Edelweiss Designer allows publishers to seamlessly create sales materials using metadata pulled directly from Edelweiss.
Take your branding to the next level
With limitless design possibilities, Edelweiss Designer allows you to build templates your whole team can use to simplify the process of creating assets.

Edelweiss Designer is changing the game for Practical Inspiration
Q&A with Frances Staton, Bibliographic Assistant
What are you using Designer to create?
We use Edelweiss Designer to create 2 catalogues per year – timed for LBF & FBF. We do print and digital PDF versions, covering frontlist and core backlist. We also use Designer for themed marketing sheets for our sales reps and agents, both UK and international. We were previously using Word.
How has Designer changed your work?
We have been able to cut out a ‘middle man’ in the production process - we were outsourcing design and typesetting of our print catalogues before changing to Designer. This is an approximate cost savings of £750-£1000.
From a time management and workflow perspective, the main time commitment with Designer is getting the templates set up to meet the layout you want. Once that is done, producing a catalogue is a relatively short and straightforward process. Producing our catalogues in-house now gives us more flexibility timewise – external typesetting meant the file had to be finalised much earlier. With Designer, we can slot in late additions to our schedules much closer to the print deadline, allowing us to maximise coverage of all our forthcoming titles. We are in control of the workflow and production process rather than being in the hands of external partners
What features surprised you most about Designer?
It is intuitive and easy to use: the design blocks and formatting tools are straightforward – and the results are immediately visible. Content, particularly bib metadata, is drawn from our own title data – no need for detailed proofreading of this. All text elements are editable, so if you want to augment a marketing description with an endorsement (just one example) this is easily done. The Edelweiss support team is quick and responsive if you do need help.
Designer has evolved since we first started using it, with new features added (eg index) – and I expect Edelweiss will be continually developing and improving it as they do with all their systems.
How do you imagine your organization will use Designer in the future?
We will continue to produce our catalogues using Designer. We will also continue to use it for sales material. Currently we’re producing monthly themed marketing sheets for our sales teams; with Designer we can potentially expand and enhance the type of marketing sheets/small brochures and AIs we produce.

"Edelweiss Designer has been very useful for keeping up-to-date series sale sheets and backlist stocklists. What would have taken hours to update on an InDesign doc by a designer can now be updated in minutes."
- Representative at Welbeck Publishing Group
Compare hours spent using current catalog compilation and design methods to Edelweiss Designer.
Save time, money, and other resources.​

Uses Publisher Metadata Sent to Edelweiss

Construct a Sales Presentation with the Ability to Present Directly in Edelweiss

Share a Browsable and Universally Accessible Link to Your Creations

Ability to Upload Additional Content (Export Prices, Additional Author Images, Etc)

Export Options for All Needs

Create Your Own Reusable Templates to Design Order Forms, Catalogs, Advanced Information Sheets, and More

All Fields Updated in Real Time with Data Feed So Materials Remain Current

Design Sales Materials with Your Own Branding and Style

Option for a Print Ready Version