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Booksellers, including 5,000+ verified B&N employees and 7,900+ verified ABA store employees
Publishers, distributors, and sales reps
Media or agency professionals
Reviewers, readers, or other book lovers
Targeted Community Newsletters
Reach readers and buyers of specific genres (i.e. Fiction, YA Romance) or book professional groups (i.e. ABA members/IndieNext, public librarians/LibraryReads, B&N employees) by promoting your titles to Edelweiss user communities. These newsletters engage readers by highlighting new titles, conversations, collaborative lists, and events happening within the Edelweiss community. These newsletters have an average open rate of 35-40% and have multiple promotional options:
Featured Reviews
Author Spotlights
Banner Ads
Available Communities:
Prices vary based on Community size.
Featured Reviews in Community Emails
Available in weekly genre-specific Community newsletters
Must submit a professional 100-150 word count review of your title, jacket cover, and desired redirect URL.
Author Spotlight in
Community Emails
Reserve space for an Author Spotlight, Featured Article, Podcast, or link to your website
Must submit 150 words of content, one 720px wide by 1080px high image, and desired redirect URL.
Community Newsletter Banners
Top, middle, and bottom banner options are available for each Community newsletters
Banners are a way to make a visual impact in our Community communications. All banner specs are 600px wide by 150 px high
Let help you get in front of Edelweiss' community of booksellers, librarians, and readers.